Saturday, October 10, 2009

32 Baby!!!

Our favorite football player for the Pinnacle Pioneers, #32 Tanner "the OG" Thurston, made a video highlight on the local news coverage of high school football, during their 6th victory of the season. That makes them 6-0!!!! Woot woot! Pay special attention around the 20 second mark...enjoy! (you can make the video full screen by clicking on the icon that looks like a rectangle with arrows coming out the corners)

1 comment:

Kody said...

T-man played a great game. He said it was his funnest game year to date. Now they have to set their sights and hearts on Chaparral who are also 6 and 0. We play them at home next week. This game will be televised, so tune into channel 12 and see more Tanner OG performances.